
Haus Istvan Sky

We dedicate this page to the memory of Istvan Sky, a Hungarian musician, a bright man and a friend. His soul radiated love and kindness, his eyes shone with unearthly happiness, his music pacified, his voice carried into the skies, his energy disarmed, his philosophy healed. He gave us his loving heart, the warmth of his embrace, the joy of communication.

Istvan Sky (István Jeszenszki)

István Jeszenszki 2007

Istvan Sky was a wonderful and extraordinary person who lived for people, so that everyone on earth would feel good and comfortable. He had many talents: he composed beautiful poetry, wrote soulful music, masterfully played many musical instruments, such as guitar, sarod, tamboura, zither, harmonica, kalimba, flute, hang, etc.

István István

Istvan Sky loved, felt and understood nature. His house is surrounded by green crowns of trees looking into his windows. From early morning, birdsong can be heard in a choir with furins calling back and forth in the wind. There is a mint smell in the yard. The house is surrounded by an ancient forest, and forest paths lead to flowering meadows. A few meters from the gate stands his native oak tree, next to it is a bench made by Istvan. Perhaps this oak tree listened and knows all Istvan’s thoughts. Istvan often spent the night in his yurt overlooking Lake Balaton. He lived in harmony with the kingdom of flora and fauna.

István István István István István István István István


Istvan Sky gave concerts in his yurt next to his house in Napfényszentély (Sunlight Sanctuary). He also traveled with his songs and concerts to many countries of the world, such as India, Vietnam, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Switzerland, Mexico, Guatemala, Poland, Czech Republic, Argentina, Austria, Germany, of course, Hungary, etc. Giving concerts, Istvan created an atmosphere of sincerity, intimacy, sublime feelings.

István Sky Konzert in Prag István Sky Konzert in Prag

Istvan Sky Memorial Corner – Istvanplatz

István Sky place in Greiz

In front of Victor Dietel's house in Greiz (Germany) there is a small open plot of land (70 sq.m.). On one side the embankment was supported by a meter-high concrete wall. We started clearing it out in January of this year. Then, in order to level the area with the sidewalk, 160 tons of rock were removed by hand and the wall was demolished. Even during the work, for some reason the topic arose that we have this site without a name. All this time, while we were working, Istvan was sick. The site was almost ready, and Istvan died. The next day it was decided by itself what this place would be called.

István Sky place in Greiz István Sky place in Greiz

Memorial composition

István Sky place in Greiz

In the drawings, this open space simply had a sculptural composition in the form of a bronze obelisk. To lighten the structure, it was planned to glaze it with luminous stained glass windows. Istvan saw this plan. At our last meeting, we watched an animation of this place; it already had an obelisk on a small elevation of three round steps (stone). Later, a bench (bronze) between the steps and the green slope was added to the composition. All that remains is to add a bronze figure of Istvan playing, sitting on a bench, or lying among flowers on a slope. A creative search is underway. A short geographical note: this place is at the same altitude as his home in Hungary in Szentbékkállá, 273 m. Istvan's family agreed to this project.

István Sky place in Greiz István Sky place in Greiz István Sky place in Greiz István Sky place in Greiz István Sky place in Greiz

Collecting signatures

We are collecting signatures to more effectively develop this idea.

The memorial site project faces various challenges. One of them is that in front of the site there are telephone distribution cabinets, in addition to them there are also road signs. You also need to obtain a building permit. To resolve these issues, you need to contact different departments. We hope that public opinion can have a positive impact on solving these problems. Therefore, we appeal to all admirers of Istvan’s creativity and philosophy, his students and followers with a request to sign. To do this, you need to download one of the proposed sheets, that is, either a sheet with other signatures, or an individual sheet in which you can write your wishes or memories, or just take a blank sheet and sign. Please send the signed form by mail. This signature does not bind you to anything. If only for the history of Istvanplatz. Write in any language. Thanks for your participation!

István Sky Home in Germany
Obere Silberstrasse 35/37
D-07973 Greiz

#István Place Hungary

#István Place English

#István Place Deutsch

#István Place individual sheet

#István Place list sheet

Financial issue

Any help is welcome. Thank you in advance! #István Place

Alexander Babel
DE56 2004 1155 0653 6858 00